Friday, April 4, 2014


There is a group of organisms that can make our body ill and are germs.

Germs are tiny organisms that cause disease. Germs are so small, microscopic , that are introduced into our system without us realize . In fact , we know that they have entered our body until we have symptoms that say we are attacking.

How many types of germs there ?

There are four major types of germs : bacteria , viruses, fungi and protozoa. Invade plants and animals and make us sick . Germs are parasites , that is, can not live on their own.

What is the "function" of germs ?

Once that invade our body , such as parasites, derive their energy from their guests. Ingested nutrients and energy and produce their own toxins or waste. These toxins can cause symptoms of common infections such as fever, chills , rash , cough , vomiting and diarrhea.

What to do to protect yourself from germs ?

Germs are spread through the air by sneezing , coughing or just breathing , or mix and match with body fluids such as sweat , saliva and blood ; so that :

Cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze and cover your mouth when you cough to avoid spreading .

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly is the best way to beat germs. Wash your hands every time you cough or sneeze , before and after preparing food or using the toilet , after handling money and after visiting a sick relative or friend .

Use a tissue when sneezing or sniffles . Toss them in the trash andwash your hands again ! .

What are bacteria ?

Bacteria are tiny single-celled creatures that get nutrients from their environment. Sometimes , that environment is the human body . Bacteria can reproduce outside the body or inside when they cause infections. Some bacteria are good for our body as it helps us to maintain balance.

The " bad bacteria" cause us sore throats, ear infections, pneumonia and infected cavities . The "good bacteria " live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients from the food we eat and discard what is not useful . Often bacteria are also used to produce medicines and vaccines that are genetically programmed ( genetic biology) .

What are viruses?

Viruses depend on a host to survive , grow and reproduce. The virus can not live outside other living cells . Once inside the body , the virus can spread and make a person sick. The virus can cause chickenpox, measles, flu and many other diseases.

What are fungi ?

Fungi are organisms similar to multicellular plants . Unlike other plants, fungi are unable to produce their own food from the land, water and air. So feed on plants, food and animals. Fungi thrive in warm, moist environments. Most fungi are not dangerous. An example of something caused by fungi is athlete's foot , that rash that makes adolescents and adults sometimes itching between the toes .

What are protozoa ?

Protozoa are single-celled organisms like bacteria . A protozoa also love moisture and often spread diseases through contaminated water. Some protozoa cause intestinal infections including tapeworms and roundworms .

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